Meet the YMHF Co-Founders!



Watch this video to meet the Youth Mental Health Foundation Co-Founders: Claire, Joel, and Jade!

Click here to join our FREE online course to better support a young person struggling with mental health.


Who are we?

The Youth Mental Health Foundation is a Devon-based not-for-profit organisation working with young people, families, and the wider community to address the crisis in youth mental health. We are addressing an urgent need for preventative education to build resilience in children, alongside early intervention strategies to prevent mental health challenges from escalating. We are directly supporting families whose young people are in crisis with their mental health, through in-person and online provision. We work with communities across Devon and have a growing national and international reach. The impact of our work is more resilient young people who are less likely to experience severe mental health challenges, and more families who are empowered and equipped...

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Information Sessions: Zoom Parents Support Programme in Torbay


Zoom Parents Support Programme: Torbay

The programme will support 30 young people in Torbay struggling with mental health, but not qualifying for CAMHs support, by equipping their parents/carers to support their mental and emotional health and healing. 

From lived experience, we have seen the importance of the parent/carer role in a young person's mental health recovery. This early intervention program will address early onset mental health problems in young people, resolving the problems or preventing their escalation within the family unit.

Our parenting programme provides:

 1) Psychoeducation and skills training: guiding parents/carers to support the recovery of a young person suffering with their mental health using our evidence-based clinical intervention.

2) Parental self-care: teaching parents how to care for their own mental and emotional health to best support their child.

3) Navigating statutory support: Coaching parents/carers on how to access the support...

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The Horizon Plan: Our Free Online Course Supports You To Play A Key Role In Your Childā€™s Mental Health Recovery

Is your child struggling with their mental health? Are you looking to support your child, but need help and guidance?

Being the parent of a child who is experiencing a mental health crisis is devastating and complex. You are most likely in one of the most painful and difficult periods of your life.

We know how you feel, and want to assure you that you're not alone.

You'll desperately want to do EVERYTHING possible to support your child through this crisis, but there's a strong chance that you are feeling:


  • UNPREPARED - with no relevant experience or training
  • FROZEN - unsure how to move forward
  • DISCONNECTED - from your child who may be unwilling to accept help 
  • ANGRY - at how teachers and schools etc have let your child down 
  • GUILTY - wondering if you could have prevented this
  • FEARFUL - of how this situation could escalate


Most likely, you'll have reached out to your doctor, CAMHS or a healthcare professional to support your child's recovery. You want to help...

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A Massive Thank You To Devon Community Foundation For Funding Us!

We are delighted to have been funded by Devon Community Foundation! Thanks to their generous funding, we are able to deliver a second Zoom group in 2024 for parents/carers supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.

The programme will support 30 young people in Torbay struggling with mental health, but not qualifying for CAMHs support, by equipping their parents/carers to support their mental and emotional health and healing. 

From lived experience, we have seen the importance of the parent/carer role in a young person's mental health recovery. This early intervention program will address early onset mental health problems in young people, resolving the problems or preventing their escalation within the family unit.

Our parenting programme provides:

 1) Psychoeducation and skills training: guiding parents/carers to support the recovery of a young person suffering with their mental health using our evidence-based clinical intervention.

2) Parental...

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Facebook Support Group For Parents Of Young People Who Self-Harm

Did you know that we have an online community of parents and carers supporting a young person who self-harms?

We know that it can feel really overwhelming, scary, and lonely when your child is suffering with their mental health. 

If you need support, you can become part of our community of like-minded parents and carers by joining our Facebook Group ‘Self Harm - Parents’: 

For further help and guidance on how to better support a young person struggling with mental health and self-harm, you can sign up for free to ‘The Horizon Plan’ - our step-by-step course on how to guide a young person to healing and recovery. The Horizon Plan is recommended by NHS trusts and NHS Recovery Colleges across the UK, including Devon Partnership NHS Trust. Join ‘The Horizon Plan’ for free by following this link:

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