West Devon Council Funds Mental Health School Assemblies and Workshops



We want to say a huge thank you to the ongoing support of West Devon Borough Council and Councillor Tony Leech. Thanks to their funding, we have been able to deliver key mental health and well-being support to young people in West Devon at no cost to schools.

Our hugely successful assemblies and workshops have been designed, developed and delivered by Jade Sutton, aged 19, who has lived experience of struggling with, and recovering from, significant mental health challenges. To date, Jade has spoken to over 35,000 young people with her powerful messages to destigmatize mental health, build self-esteem and mental health resilience.

Thanks to West Devon Borough Council, we have delivered our assemblies and workshops to six more primary schools in West Devon since October, with several more schools booked for 2024.


Our assemblies and workshops aim to:

  • Improve mental health resilience and self-esteem in young people
  • Destigmatise mental health, making it easier for young people to ask for help
  • Educate young people to accept, respect and celebrate their differences and dreams
  • Increase awareness, acceptance and understanding of neurodiversity (ADHD, autism, dyslexia, etc.)


Mary Tavy and Brentor Primary School said that Jade’s assembly was “very interesting and informative. The children loved hearing how Jade coped with the different setbacks in her own life and how they could relate with similar scenarios within their own lives. Would love to have you back again soon. Thank you Jade, you are inspirational.”  

 Princetown Community Primary School said that, it was a “great workshop for our year 6 class. The session taught the idea that everyone has their own unique genius - which is their 'super power!' The workshop was inclusive, interactive and pitched well in order to keep the children engaged. A very positive message how not to compare ourselves to others. Great fun activities promoting team work. Encouraging communication and resilience. After break time the children were keen and excited to get back to the second part of the session. The children didn't want the session to end!”


Read more about our assemblies and workshops programme here: https://www.youthmentalhealthfoundation.org/believe-in-yourself-school-assembly


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