A Huge Thank You To NYCT For Funding School Assemblies and Workshops in Plymouth!

Uncategorized Feb 05, 2024


We are delighted to have been funded by North Yard Community Trust to deliver our assemblies and workshops to schools in Plymouth. 

Our hugely successful assemblies and workshops have been designed, developed and delivered by Jade Sutton, aged 19, who has lived experience of struggling with, and recovering from, significant mental health challenges.

To date, Jade has spoken to over 35,000 young people with her powerful messages to destigmatize mental health, build self-esteem and mental health resilience.  

Here is a short documentary made about Jade and her assemblies, called ‘What’s Your Story’:


 We will be delivering our 'Reach For The Stars' virtual assemblies and our 'What's Your Genius' workshops to schools in Budeaux, Kings Tamerton, Barne Barton, Weston Mill and Keyham.

We can't wait to deliver more mental health support to schools in 2024.

Our work is only possible thanks to the generosity of our funders, so a huge thank you to North Yard Community Trust!


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